Male Female Attraction

Dating Technology?

Have you ever heard of the phrase "advanced dating technology"?  If you're like me, you are shaking your head "no" like I was the first time I heard it - and just to be clear, I am not speaking about some kind of carbon dating of relics.  Not at all.

I am speaking of the romantic form of dating.  You know, man/woman, wink, wink, nudge, nudge ... say no more.  Yeah, that kind of dating.  The topic of male/female attraction.

Find out more about dating technology here. Free Course

I can hear you saying: dating technology?  You're kidding me?  After all this time, you mean someone has finally figured it out?  Well, to be sure that is not too far from the truth.  Not only have some people been working on this for years, but these people think that they have figured it out.  They have coined the phrase advanced dating technology to describe it.

In the last decade, there have been a number of underground practitioners who have been putting their theories in practise in the "field", as they call it.  Now these are not your typical academic types.  Think of them as "rogue" scientists without the credentials.  They  are based in many cities, they share data and continually monitor their results to approaches.  Their field tests have been numerous and exacting.  Every night and every weekend, they have been hitting the clubs and night spots putting their efforts into figuring out how to attract the opposite sex in the shortest time possible.

Just a few of the techniques have developed an "in-club" sounding terminology that would rival any in the scientific community.  They include:

a) push-pull
b) negs
c) qualification
d) framing
e) PUA's and AFC's

... to name just a handful.  And the most interesting concept is that this technology has been developed for both sexes.  Human bahaviour works both ways.  As they say, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Whether you prescribe to actual existence of advanced dating technology or not, is up for discussion.  However, in my own mind I guess I feel that it was only a matter of time before the scientific approach would be applied to all forms of human behaviour.  If we can can map the human genome, how long would it take us to figure out how to learn how to master the attraction of the opposite sex, at will?

Now what scientist would not want to figure that out?  Move over Pasteur. 

Find out more about dating technology here. Free Course


Male Female Attraction

Evolutionary Theory?

The root of male/female attraction: is this the greatest mystery of all?  People have been wondering for generations just What is the source of what makes someone attracted to someone else?  And while we are asking this question, how about finding out how do I make it work for me?

This question has been the basis of academic study from ivey school academics to pop culture gurus and fall under the sub heading of behavioural studies.  There are many theories.  In the words of one well known dating expert: "attraction is not a choice". 

Do evolutionary attraction triggers exist? Free Course

He may not be wrong.  It seems as if, some scientists and academics would agree.

Evolutionary Theory of human attraction provides that interpersonal attraction occurs when someone has physical features indicating that he or she is very fertile. It is a simple theory that relies on the premise that the sole purpose of relationships is reproduction.  Because of this people invest in partners who appear to be very "reproductive", which would naturally seem to increase the chance of their genes being passed down to the next generation.

An obvious weakness to This theory has been the lack of its ability to explain attraction  between same-sex couples or attraction between couples who do not want children.

Other evolutionary theories suggest that reproduction in a partner is of greater importance to men than to women. This theory posits the concept that women place more emphasis on a man's ability to provide. The theory suggests that these resources are the key to a woman successfully raising her children. This ability to provide may also be passed on to male offspring - an underlying genetic characteristic that females value in a mate.  What woman would not want her male offspring to be resilient?

Additional aspects of Evolutionary Theory propose that comely physical features are healthy. The theory suggests that a robust mates are more probable to have healthy genetic characteristics.  Another reason to desire a mate who can pass these physical attributes on to the young. 

However, there are detractors to these theories.  The root of their arguements pose that the environment exacts a much strong influence on male female attraction than does reproductive survival.

Whatever the truth may be, men and women will likely go on asking themselves these questions for a long time.  However, if science ever arrives at the definitive answer you can be assured that both sexes will be lining up to use that knowledge to increase their odds of a successful relationship.  Attraction may not be a choice, but all is fair in love and war.

Do evolutionary attraction triggers exist? Free Course